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Carte de l'hôtel

Plan de l'hotel
Empark Grand Hotel Beijing, Il est situé à panjing Road, près du parc de haute technologie Zhongguancun, à côté du Musée d'exposition de Pékin et du gymnase Wukesong. Les attractions touristiques à proximité de l'hôtel comprennent le Palais d'été, la montagne parfumée, le zoo, etc. il n'est qu'à une rue du centre commercial Jinyuan Times. Le Parc industriel d'intégration civilo - militaire est également proche. Il est à environ 10 minutes à pied de la station de métro lanigou, avec un transport pratique.
L'hôtel combine chambres d'hôtes, restaurants, conférences, immeubles de bureaux et appartements, avec une superficie totale de 186 800 mètres carrés. Il dispose de plus de 500 chambres d'hôtes et plus de 500 places de stationnement. Wal - Mart est un excellent choix pour vos voyages d'affaires.
La Chambre d'hôtes est de 38m - 70m et dispose d'un accès Internet à large bande et wifi sans fil, télévision par satellite, téléphone international et national, coffre - fort, système de Vsd à la demande, système d'eau potable, salle de bain avec douche indépendante, l'environnement d'hébergement est supérieur.
En ce qui concerne la restauration, l'hôtel dispose d'un restaurant chinois du siècle d'or, d'une cafétéria Jinyuan, d'une cuisine japonaise Fuji Mountain, d'un salon Yujingyuan, d'une maison de thé liuxiangxuan et d'un bar, parmi lesquels le canard rôti de Pékin, d'une cuisine végétarienne unique.
L'hôtel dispose également de 16 salles de réunion de toutes tailles, y compris une salle de banquet sans pilier de 1600 mètres carrés, qui fournit un système de conférence numérique, un système d'interprétation simultanée et d'autres installations de conférence modernes. C'est l'endroit idéal pour les grands banquets.
Depuis son ouverture, l'hôtel a remporté de nombreux prix, tels que Golden Leaf Green Tourism Hotel, brand China Golden Spectrum Award, China Honesty brand hotel et 100 restaurants de classe a, et a remporté de nombreux prix importants tels que 'capital Tourism Purple prohibition Cup' et capital Advanced Unit for National Security maintenance, capital Security Civilization Demonstration Unit, zhongtang Cup Star Hotel smile Ambassador.
[Introduction détaillée]
Hôtel FAQ
  • Cet hôtel est de Capital Airport Beijing Quelle est sa distance?

    Empark Grand Hotel Beijing est à 29.3km de l'aéroport.

  • Empark Grand Hotel Beijing propose-t-il un service de navette?

    Oui, veuillez nous contacter après la réservation.

  • Quels sont les horaires d'arrivée et de départ à Empark Grand Hotel Beijing ?

    L'enregistrement s'effectue à partir de 14:00 et le départ jusqu'à 12:00 à Empark Grand Hotel Beijing.

  • L'établissement Empark Grand Hotel Beijing dispose-t-il d'une piscine et d'une salle de fitness?

    Oui, l'hôtel dispose d'une piscine et d'une salle de sport. Voir plus de détails.

  • L'établissement Empark Grand Hotel Beijing dispose-t-il un restaurant sur place ?

    Oui, vous pouvez manger à l'hôtel.

  • Empark Grand Hotel Beijing dispose-t-il d'une connexion haut débit ou Wifi?

    Oui, veuillez contacter la réception de l'hôtel pour plus de détails.

  • Empark Grand Hotel Beijing accepte-t-il le prépaiement?

    Acceptez, veuillez soumettre votre commande avant de nous contacter.

  • Empark Grand Hotel Beijing accepte-t-il les cartes de crédit?

    Non, l'hôtel n'accepte pas les cartes de crédit.

  • Combien coûte le petit déjeuner de Empark Grand Hotel Beijing?

    Petit déjeuner CNY118 / personne.

  • Quel est le tarif d'un séjour à l'établissement Empark Grand Hotel Beijing?

    Les tarifs commencent à partir de CNY1596, selon le type de chambre et la date.

Commentaires Plus
  • e00834316
    It's a very good hotel. The service is very good. The overall decoration is elegant, but the room facilities are old.
  • cebay
    It's OK for a friend, but the big bed room and double bed room are not on the same floor. When the guest checks in, there is no service staff at the door to deliver the luggage to the room, and the guest has to come by himself. It's OK to have less, but it's OK to have more. Finally, the arrangement is made only after the request. Enthusiasm is not enough. This is generally the case in domestic hotels.
  • lens_xie
    It's a nice hotel. I stay in this hotel every time I come. Travel and shopping are very convenient.
  • benson601
    The environment and service are very good. It's very comfortable to live in. I will live again in the future.
  • bravolam
    The geographical location is biased. It is called five-star, which may not be enough. The decoration and facilities are relatively old, but the room is very large.
  • candysoul
    not bad
  • e01824632
    The environment and transportation are very convenient, and the relative price is not very expensive
  • foreverlove
    just so so...............
  • etyj01961
    The hotel room facilities are too ordinary.
  • fly9898
    The front desk Kangjing service is very considerate and friendly. The hotel has complete additional facilities. I hope to stay here next time
  • lowmin
    Liu Yujia at the front desk is very considerate. Thank you
  • panxiaoyang
  • binxudaniel
    very good
  • guaiwawa
    Five star price, four-star hotel, three-star service.
  • fdrbi
    The hotel has good environment, complete facilities and good service. It is a good choice as a whole. It will come again in the future! ~
  • amanda188
    Not bad. It's also convenient to travel
  • lala Du
    For more than ten years, the quality has been very stable. After a lapse of 6 years, I checked in again. First, after entering the store, the fragrance was a little strong and choked my nose. The sofa in the room was replaced by a patterned cloth sofa. It felt at home and very comfortable. There are a few breakfast varieties. I hope you will pay attention to them. Hope to get better and better, worthy of recommendation!
  • rdndt
    Good location. The only thing left is that the gym and swimming pool are closed due to decoration. You'd better remind me in advance when you make a reservation next time.
  • BasilLee
    The environment was good and the surroundings were quiet. Miss yuan's service was warm and praised her
  • songyi860
    The location is convenient. Behind it is Jinyuan shopping center
  • Gw017556
    A regular hotel! More convenient! Strange, why hasn't it come back today?
  • ava627
    It's convenient around
  • Matilda
    Located in the West Fourth Ring of Beijing, the location is good; The equipment is very new, the room is not small, the service attitude is very good, the surrounding business and catering are complete, and the transportation is convenient. It's a good choice for business trip in Beijing. The hotel room area is very large, the price is relatively good, but the room facilities are a little old and damaged, WiFi speed is average, there are many shops under the hotel, the overall is OK, the hotel room area is very large, the price is relatively good
  • brunic
    Very good
  • dreamcoolcat
    Located in the West Fourth Ring Road of Beijing, the location is good; The equipment is very new, the room is not small, the service attitude is very good, the surrounding businesses and restaurants are complete, and the transportation is convenient. It is a good choice for business trips to Beijing.
  • BB good mood
    I've lived several times. It's good
  • guten
  • mana_jiang
  • Pei love child
    It's very good. The transportation is also convenient
  • Pepboy
    The hotel environment is elegant and miss yuan Caihong's service is considerate and warm. Thank you
  • ling04547
    Meeting, business trip, check-in, convenient transportation, good hardware and software, good service attitude, food street and large supermarket on the basement
  • agoldwing
    not bad I ordered it for a friend. Friends always stay in this hotel as usual. The price is too high recently. I hope the price will go up and down.
  • nina Xia Lila
    Good. I'm satisfied
  • ccjjpp
    The room is spacious, sanitary and clean. The wireless network speed in the room is very fast. It is suitable for business travel and office. The hotel is close to century Jinyuan shopping center. You can go shopping on foot. It's very convenient. The service was also very good
  • bbgx17
    Very satisfied, convenient location
  • liangyutianlyt
    The first choice for business trip in Beijing in the future
  • miyu_y
    Very good service, convenient location
  • icegreeve
    A good stay
  • batman_48
    very good
    It's very good. There's a lady's room
  • mila2005
  • darmstadt
    Very good, fairly good value for money
  • bocmengmeng
    Better cost performance
  • e02585002
    The environment is good, the transportation is convenient, and the service is also very good.
  • liyu5874
    It's clean and convenient
  • grace gong
    The location is convenient for parking and the environment is very sanitary, but it takes a long time to check in.
  • effiewanglei
    The room is very big and the bed is very comfortable. I'll stay next time
  • jenny1314
    The hotel is grand, the room is clean, and it's very convenient to eat on the second floor
  • ming1979
    It's a very good hotel. I'll consider staying next time
  • lammas
    Nice hotel! Convenient traffic
  • e00542315
    It's OK. It's just a little old
  • aien2008
    Good environment, comfortable living, complete facilities, convenient travel.
  • babaya
    just so so
  • yundongluo
    It's OK, but the price is a little high!
  • bibiyip
    The room is very large and beautiful. It is very convenient for eating and shopping. The service facilities are in place. There is a large shopping center nearby. It's a good choice.
  • liuwenguang168
    I often go there, and the self-service is also very good. It's just that it's expensive and the service attitude is good
  • candyoy
    The location is good, but the hall is a little small and not high-grade. There are more places to eat from the outside
  • benyu59884
    I ordered it for someone. It should be good, otherwise I won't stay for 4 days
  • e03083110
    just so so
  • Candy75
    Ma Fanghui, Miss yuan Caihong is quick, gentle and polite,
  • andylief
    The hotel environment is good and the location is very convenient. I recommend friends to stay in Beijing
  • Arsen
    The service provided by Wu Hongyan and Kang Jing at the front desk of the hotel was excellent, because they had made a wrong reservation before and actively helped to modify it. It's great. They will stay here next time.
  • ambero
    I've never stayed in one of the worst star hotels. It takes half an hour to return a room. I called to ask questions and ignored them. The hot kettle in the hotel is broken. It's disgusting to send a hot kettle with bath liquid or laundry liquid in it. The first time I stayed in such a poor Hotel and wrote so many comments for the first time. I hope my traveling friends will adopt it
  • guvivo
    The equipment is a little old, the service is average.
  • sunxiaotiger
    RECEPTIONIST: Song Xiuying, Li Dan's service is very good. The hotel should give rewards!
  • fangnyang
    The restaurant is convenient near the hotel
  • nj_2010
    The environment is very good. The room is also very clean. I can choose this next time
  • d01079483
    Not bad
  • piratepenguin
    not bad
  • appleguoguo
    I ordered it for my friends. I live here every time. It's very good
  • lvy2010
    The bed is too soft for the elderly
  • cicixina
    Go to the long stay hotel in Beijing! The supporting facilities are convenient, the room space is large, and there is everything in the underground non night city. Supermarkets, restaurants, noodle shops, barber shops and pharmacies are very complete. They have been evaluated once because of their long stay!
  • xiaopply
    Good. Come again
  • billyyiu
    The sanitary conditions are good and the geographical location is convenient. There is a free wireless network in the room.
  • liu124736389
    Good environment and convenient transportation.
    It's old five-star. The facilities are OK. It's a little old. It is adjacent to the shopping center of century Jinyuan. It's good to eat, drink and have fun. Generally speaking, it's OK.